Saturday, August 19, 2017

Countries That May Give Free Housing To New Residents Disclosure: The content on this website does not constitute, nor is meant to constitute, professional advice of any kind. [If you require professional advice in relation to any [career, legal, financial or medical] matter you should consult an appropriate professional.] is an informational website dedicated to giving useful information to its readers.

5 Countries That May Give Free Housing To New Residents Growing up, we all played house. Whether you played the dog or the dad, the most integral part of the game was the home itself. Back then we built our homes out of pillows and old bed sheets, but life isn’t as simple anymore. Buying a home is life goal and right of passage for many of us. With tougher economies and a higher population count than our parents had to deal with, buying a home is a major difficulty. With proper research and a sense of adventure, we rounded up our top picks on countries that will give you a free home if you move there and become a resident. Read on to see where you can score a FREE house! Italy Ever heard of the Sicilian town of Gangi? Me neither. This city in Italy has a declining population of about 7,000 and an excess of homes which haven’t seen a human face in decades. Italy will give you the home if you promise to stay and renovate. Sounds like a deal to me! United States of America Think the Midwest. America truly can be the land of opportunities in cities such as Gary, Indiana, or Detroit. Homes are given to qualifying individuals given they can prove a proper sense of employment and cash flow, as well as plans to renovate. South Africa Unlike Italy or America, South Africa gives away homes to its poorer citizens. South Africa has led the way in this endeavor, and will gives homes and proper housing to those citizens that qualify as underprivileged. Pitcairn You know that island life you dream of at your desk? Well, there’s hope in living a coconut rum filled life indeed. The population is diminishing, with only 50 residents left. The British island colony is giving away land now, all you have to do is ask. Colombia Beautiful South America. Colombia, much like South Africa, gives housing to the lower echelon of the population. The country is still relatively poor, but in recent years has gained traction as a tourist destination and growing economic force. C O M M E N T S Swej kcuf • a month ago Why Israel is not on the list !! Anyone who claims to be a jew and can make Aliyah will get free housing by kicking a Palestinian out of their land. Its done everyday 15 •Reply•Share › Avatar Jack K Warner Swej kcuf • 8 days ago Swej Kcuf>> Are you really sure by that ?? Maybe a kick-out of a Palestina person means less terror and dead people on the street of Jerusalem......Just see what happened around the world !! Terror everywhere and from who???? Islam>>Palestine-Iran-S.Arabia-Turkey-Dash-and everywhere you find a Muslim. See what happened in Italy on the street when illegale Muslims from Africa enter in order to travel to Europe..... Read Quran about ''killing everyone of any other faith'' no matter what and with any kind of weapon. Islam have war against Jewish people since 2000 years, why ?? for the simple reason both faith been connected via religion with only one difference-Jewish faith do not mass kill any other folk group of religion.that may reduce the violence in the world against people's faith. Islam have always been the biggest threat. Not even the Islam have the peace, sunni-shiite-and other killing each other because they all read the quran a different way. Have you seen that in ex> catholic-christian-Buddhist or any other religions???? all live in peace and pray together for a better world and understanding. Always nice to communicate with people who knows the truth and background to a conflict 3 •Reply•Share › Avatar Maz Jack K Warner • 3 days ago Jack.. in general, what do you really know about Islam/religions? "Islam have always been the biggest threat" wow man wow that harsh What does the word threat means to you? Define it plz Killing 7,8 ,9 ,10, 11, 12 people by one stupid guy or couple of crazy people using knifes and guns? Do you know how many people were killed in Japan/ Afghanistan/ Iraq/ purma / palastain / etc... done by countries not a specific religion and not by knifes and guns... (why didn't we say anything about your religion being number one threat to our world or ... ) because we are well educated and we know how to differentiate between religions and people/power To be totally honest, I don't really blame you!! You have only two tv channels and you are forced to believe them, but I highly recommend you start reading more and follow your brain not your heart There are more than 600 pages in our book/Quran, doesn't make sense to quote only one sentence.. try to read it all, and I promise you be choosing/following this religion .. one of the sentences in Quran that might be similar to our topic "you have your religion, I have mine".. one other similar sentence " if you kill an innocent person for no reason, it's like you killed the entire world" One more thing before I go to bed, there are around 1 billion Muslims around the world... according to you, if we are all terrorists and we follow "your stupid logic".. just imagine how and what's going to happen Btw My partners are not muslims - my neighbors are not Muslim - 40% of the people that come to my restaurant are not muslims - actually my best friends are not Muslim... so JUST THINK BEFORE YOU THINK Cheers see more 2 •Reply•Share › Avatar Soccer star Maz • 10 hours ago Good for you MAZ some people need kick in back side ....!! When IRA were bombing. U.K. They never said its protestan or catholic all they use to say those bloody IRISH .... BUT bkz a stupid idiot down the road converted to ISLAM I say Islam between brackets " " try to make most of us who believes in what they think is peace and quite live in hell on earth that's non sens .... There is no smoke without fire It's Mossad staff behind this mess my wife she is English and Christian I'm Muslim we been 2gather for nearly 20 years it's mutual respect boyyyyyyyy back to sleep •Reply•Share › Avatar Swej kcuf Jack K Warner • 8 days ago You got brainwashed. Your kind invented terrorism in the area. it is a fact that the state of Israel was established with the help of its terror groups (the Irgun, the Hagannah, the Lehi, the Stern Gang, etc) all of whom had members who either were elected as Prime Ministers of Israel, or chosen to became embers of the cabinet by the ruling parties. You can't sell the idea that Palestinians resistence of occupation is terrorism. Deal with it as their right to fight occupation is protected. You claim one should read Quran to earn why islam waged war against Judaism... tell us why there was rejection of Judaism long before islam came about is an easier question .. WHY ? The only threat to humanity have been your sick evil faith proven by the fact that jews like you throughout history got kicked out of 109 countries for good reasons long before islam came about. Your holiest scripture which every chief rabbi must be a scholar of calls things a lot worse what you accuse Islamic of doing. Who are you fooling !! You poor bestiality of haShem's sick torah following, inbreeding winged Hebrew monkeys always accuse others of what you are guilty of. •Reply•Share › Avatar KitteeK Swej kcuf • 3 days ago Gush Katif? The Jews thrown off in 2005 are still paying their mortgages on their stolen homes and technologically advanced greenhouses today. Some bulldozed their beautifully architectually -designed homes so the ' palestinians' couldn't get them. Most were American Jews. Thrown into caravans in the desert by Sharon. For ' peace'? Well that didn't help. The Arabs just got nearer to throw their rockets onto jewish homes? Sharon goes into coma. After breaking his vow he would never throw his own people off their land. 1 •Reply•Share › Avatar Swej kcuf KitteeK • 3 days ago Boy, your reply clearly show how a venomous inbreeding hasbara Hebrew monkey ought to deal with factual it can not refute. Diversion. You didn't touch on the issue of Judaism terrorism and the jewish terrorism that started it all. The Irgun, the Hagannah, the Lehi, the Stern Gang, etc. started such tactics, massacred people and entire villages, burning houses, stealing the wealth of Palestinians, etc., etc.. Gush Katif moved because the cost of protecting them living in the middle of Palestinian population was too high. 9,000 jews in the middle of 1,300,000 Palestinians Its ONLY about shekels for your kind. No jew would leave anything for Palestinians if they ever leave.... destroying every building and when they did not have enough time to tear down the green houses, Palestinians destroyed such structures because they learned never to trust Jewish kindness. Now focus on Judaism terrorism and stop diverting away •Reply•Share › Avatar KitteeK Swej kcuf • 3 days ago Considering you have no idea who I am, or my ' breeding'; I will ignore your opening statement/greeting? The article is about free housing ? You are the one diverting. 1 •Reply•Share › Avatar Swej kcuf KitteeK • a day ago You brought up Gush Katif. Now you didn't want to touch the subject and opted to divert away. Obviously my opening statement was about free housing to the likes of you who can come from anywhere in the world, make Aliyah to live free in occupied land. •Reply•Share › Avatar J Hirayama Swej kcuf • 5 days ago Which country was not established through used of terrorism. You are a moron who does not think. Anti semitic dummkopf 1 •Reply•Share › Avatar Swej kcuf J Hirayama • 5 days ago A moron who thinks that EVERY country has been established through terrorism. SO your kind's justification for creating a cancerous entity through terrorism is that everybody is doing it !!!! With that logic of yours, then surly you also agree that because every rabbi during kapparot, pray with a chicken and conclude the prayer by fucking the chicken to the romantic tunes of the Ketubim that such act is kosher you sick bastard !! •Reply•Share › Avatar mariaveintiuno Swej kcuf • 4 days ago Go away you sick idiot. Take some more synthetic heroin you are clearly addicted to it •Reply•Share › Avatar David Chaillou mariaveintiuno • 4 days ago Lady, have you ever seen non-synthetic heroin? What a stupid thing to say. 1 •Reply•Share › Avatar Swej kcuf mariaveintiuno • 4 days ago You must be using the same drugs to know the symptoms that well. Admit it, you too enjoy kapparot and hate to expose your kind's action vis-à-vis usage of chicken you sick puppy. DO tell us why PETA made a policy for you and yours to get a chicken license for your religious activities ??? Enlighten us •Reply•Share › Avatar Ayelet Nesimi Swej kcuf • 9 days ago It is most certainly not free. It is in fact very expensive. If you live in a dangerous or remote area it is cheap. That is why the settlements are cheap. You could buy a cheap house in the most dangerous area of your country too. Don't let your ignorance make you hate an entire country. 1 •Reply•Share › Avatar Swej kcuf Ayelet Nesimi • 9 days ago I don't know where you get your information from. Your flawed yeshiva education or the brainwashing form the synagogues of haShem the Satan, it won't matter. Why would you be stupid enough to live in occupied Palestinians military zone in the 1st place and expect to live safe !! Its like saying I want to play in a freeway but the cars going too fast it makes playing very dangerous Its righteousness that makes me hate an illegitimate country stolen from the original indigenous Palestinians after manufacturing the holohoax . Every jew that makes Aliyah get free housing that's how they entice your kind to come and populate the area to counter the demographic thereat silly. Any housing arrangement is not linked to danger level but how aggressive you want to be in your daily life to make it when you live amid the Palestinians. Housing might be expensive to those who prefer to live in specific area... settlement living is open to all and if you like, you can just walk to any Palestinian house and take over with the help of the military •Reply•Share › Avatar Ayelet Nesimi Swej kcuf • 9 days ago This is ridiculous. I live in Israel. My small apartment cost me a fortune. The Arabs in Israel build with very little limitations and it costs them very little. Israelis pay a fortune just for the land. No one kicks any one out of their homes. If i walked into an Arab village I would be lynched because many of the villages are dangerous for Israelis. Yet Israel is not a war zone. There are deaths sure but about as many as in large cities like New York, there are neighborhoods in any city that are dangerous. It's a beautiful country. It makes me sad to think that someone might read what you say and believe it. It makes me even sadder to think that hate filled people like you exist. Everything wrong with the world is your ignorance and hatred. You spew half truths like you actually know what you're talking about but you most certainly do not. I came to MY country because it is MY home. Before it was the state of Israel it was ruled by the Ottoman empire, the British empire, Greeks, Romans etc. But before that it belonged to My people. It was given to me by god. Other people can share it with me if they can do so peacefully and I will treat them the same as I treat my brothers because that is what being a Jew is all about. I wont be responding again. 2 •Reply•Share › Avatar mariaveintiuno Ayelet Nesimi • 4 days ago Don't take any notice of the dirty Arab. He is a vile anti-Semite and best ignored. 1 •Reply•Share › Avatar Jack K Warner Ayelet Nesimi • 8 days ago Ayelet Nesimi>> Thanks for your info. You knows allt to well, jews have always been the target-why, we really don't know. Maybe just a stupid way to act, just like the Islam or to many people believe in quran. In may way I believe anybody with the faith of Islam must have extreme low IQ. Not to be surprised-a Muslim attend the school system in a Muslim country from 4 years of age, from the very beginning the kids learn 90% of the Quran and need to learn every words and citat like purling water. After that they may learn something else for the life, but only the male- female will only learn all citat from Quran and be the victim of a Muslim man to do whatever he want with her. The different in Islam and Judaism- the population in Israel have the highest education in the world, and the Islamist have the lowest in university/world. Nobody can deny facts, just look around you and you will see it, if you want too. Shalome 1 •Reply•Share › Avatar Ayelet Nesimi Jack K Warner • 8 days ago Hi Jack, I appreciate your support. Let's not make generalizations like him though. There are many muslims and they are all different. They have many schools which teach in many different ways. I do not hate all muslims. I do pity the ignorant ones like him though I love my country but our education has a ways to go before it's best in the world ;) 1 •Reply•Share › Avatar Swej kcuf Jack K Warner • 8 days ago "Jews always been the target " Jews got kicked out of 109 countries for good reason. You trying to pin your failure on Islamic followers will nto work, out of the 109 countries that kicked your kind out the Islamic ones are very few. If you claim jews are highly educated ... since when did that start ?? It must be after 1900 AD because before than no one knew what jews did expect being a leech on the ass of humanity for more than 5500 years Judaism claim 5777 years of history... why no one can tell us anything about Judaism scientific, cultural, or otherwise contributions to humanity prior to 1900 AD??? Can you enlighten us what did your kind contribute to humanity prior to 1900 AD ??? With a balance of more than 5500 years surly you will find plenty to share.. •Reply•Share › Avatar Swej kcuf Ayelet Nesimi • 8 days ago Take your head out of your ass and stop spreading your lies. If Palestinians build with little or no limitations and with low costs we won't see home demolition of their homes just to claim more land to give to settlements or jews who came from afar. If you get an intruder into your home wor land wouldn't you want to stop it ?? You as an outsider why would you go to an arab village anyway !! What makes us sad is for outsiders to read how you lie and try to make things look OK when in reality your kind are the root cause to all evils the Palestinians experience. You jews are not known exactly for spreading anything but the opposite of truth and this is not new for your kind. Since haShem's desert lost years and the statement "Never trust a jew" held true. WHy do you think that is !!! You came to your country my ass... Israel is built on a lie Israel was NOT ruled by the Ottomans as you claim... it is Palestine . Many birth certificates of your so called leaders got the name of Palestine as their birth place including : 1) Ezer Weizman 2) Yitzhak Navon 3) Yitzhak Rabin 4) Ehud Olmert 5) Ariel Sharon 6) Ehud Barak Now you claim the land was given to you by GOD no less, ... let me ask you think 1) Would a GOD forget to grant you an land deed that would withstand the test of time and changing laws !! 2) Is your GOD in the real estate business ? 3) How can anyone trust a navigationally challenged entity that got desert years lost in a very small area anyway !!! I just proved you are just another delusional jew who like all jews lie to justify their sick deeds. see more •Reply•Share › Avatar Harry Vlek Ayelet Nesimi • 8 days ago "Before that, it belonged to your people" ? You must be insane to think you can claim ground based on what used to be thousands of years ago. Thousands of years ago the Roman empire conquered almost all of Europe. So according to your "logic" all Europeans should leave their houses because they used to be Roman. You realize how stupid you are ? Your so called god did never give you or your people a country. First of all, your god is just one of many, so he/she has no value. There is no evidence that it used to be Jewish ground. Your people lost it thousands of years ago, because they are losers. Now they steal it from the Palestinians. And you still wonder why the world doesn't like you ? •Reply•Share › Avatar Jack K Warner Harry Vlek • 8 days ago Harry Viek>>> Sorry, but the only insane here are you self because you really don't know the whole story...only what you been told of people with a hate to jews-why??? nobody sounds to know..The jewish people have always live in that part of land and most all around them have Islam on the head and Islam hate Jews because they all have a very close relation in religion, both use the Mohammed and some other guys in the religion. The very big difference in those 2 people are the education. Islam don't allow education in that perspective like the Jewish. Islam forbid female to be educated but the Jewish se the education like a must-be for everybody. Have you ever seen or heard about Arabs-Muslim invented anything??? Maybe the hot water......Whatever you may use in your home-car-industry-banks-Electronic industry- an Israeli person have a finger on it. The creativity in Israel control the world and in the other side- Islam control the terror and and virulence in the world,question what will you choose for yourself and your kids and the future ??????? 1 •Reply•Share › Avatar Harry Vlek Jack K Warner • 8 days ago Jack K Warner you really lack education. Before posting more dumb comments, better educate yourself. Try for instance some youtube videos about how the state of Istrael was created. You will find out that jews were the first modern terrorists. They have a reputation of ripping people of and lying.By the waqy, do you know that without the help of the USA, your Israel would have been wiped of the earth long time ago ? And about your stupid religion : It's no way better than christianity or islam. All three are Abrahamic, but even that you didn't know. Now go and educate yourself and ask yourself: Am I entiteled to bomb children and civilians just because I'm a jew ? If you answer that with a yes, don't be surprised that people around the world hate you !!! •Reply•Share › Avatar Jack K Warner Harry Vlek • 6 days ago Harry>>> You just believe what fit into your mind, everything that may gone in the wrong directions will be wrong in your ''mind-believe'' The same like in politics, Communist-Fascism-dictator of any kind-they all have the same problem, deny everything that may point in another direction..... Sorry but that may be some kind of lack of education like you tell me, If you have the same kind of education like me, you will properly be extreme happy, just now you ''think-or-believe'' your high educated, but that don't show up in your text in this forum. I just feel very sorry for you-but like it been told-we can't do anything to a dreamer, just let them go on, one day they will come true, just a matter of medication or medication. 1 •Reply•Share › Avatar Harry Vlek Jack K Warner • 5 days ago Jack, your comment shows not only your not capable of making a point, but also your lack of knowledge about Palestine. It doesn't surprise me, because you're just another brainwashed jew. Luckily due to internet and social media, the world gets to see the truth about all the horrible things that Israel and the jews do to the Palestinians. You live in a fantasy world, that's only kept alive due to manipulative American politicians.The entire world hates you. ( Israel is convicted by the UN, more than all other countries in the world together ) Ask yourself why that is. The day you realise what the reason is, is the day you can call yourself intelligent and wise. Until then, you're just a dumb idiot that believes in the lies he grew up with. That's what you get, for not thinking on your own, but being brainwashed. You're nothing but a tool of zionist lobbyists and a mental slave to them. Now get a life.........start by watching this video from an Israeli general's son....... see more •Reply•Share › Avatar Jack K Warner Harry Vlek • 5 days ago Harry Vlek>>> Du skriver och pratar om Palestina där Du inte har en minsta aning om vad som dagligen pågår. Men att Ditt eget land-Sverige-utgår från att Du skriver och lever där-men att Sverige just nu och för mycket länge har fått mera problem än man kan styra. Islam är nu en faktor som styr stora delar av landet-ofrihet är ett dagligt faktor, våldtäkter 3 till 5 varje dag-alla begångna av Muslimer från olika länder. Och Du, Din stackers fåne Du bekymrar Dig om Palestina medans skiten växer över huvudet på varje Svensk i Sverige !!!! Varför inte ta en god blick på Din nära omgivning och lös dom problem som Du ser-om Du nu ser något överhuvudtaget. Måste tyvärr säga, dumhet-naiv-korkad-dåligt informerad-politisk indoktrinerad....vilket eller vilka av dessa är Du besatt av ??? några eller dom alla ??? Var vänlig..svara inte på mina inlägg i denna sak, jag kommer i varje fall inte att bekymra mig om Ditt sinnestillstånd eller beskriva detta-Du klarar detta bäst genom att fortsätta skriva till någon annan med samma sinnesslöa inställning. •Reply•Share › Avatar Harry Vlek Jack K Warner • 5 days ago Jack, didn't I tell you that you are a dumb idiot ?? Now you start to write in Swedish. Why ?? Nobody knows. I live in the Netherlands where people speak and write Dutch, but a dumb idiot like you probably doesn't even know where that is, nor what Dutch is. You think you know about what goes on in Palestine, but you don't know shit about it. Just like you don't know how brainwashed you are. I told you once, and I will tell you again : educate yourself before posting more dumb comments !!! You wouldn't listen to me, and now the entire internet is laughing about you. You just made a bigger idiot of yourself than you already were. That's what you get for being ignorant. Now watch this video and LEARN before posting more stupid comments.......YOU DUMB BRAINLESS FUCK !!!..... 1 •Reply•Share › Avatar Jack K Warner Harry Vlek • 4 days ago Mr.Harry Vlek>> Just 1 question-When was you released from the mental institution?? the way your correspondence looks you can't be really fit in top... No more from´s just to many minus point for everyone.... •Reply•Share › Avatar Harry Vlek Jack K Warner • 4 days ago Jack, Jack, Jack, the more you write, the more ridiculous you look. A baby writes more intelligent stuff than you do. Stop making a fool of yourself, take your medication and talk to your shrink. Genetic waste like you is the result of years of incest. Now after having fucked your entire family and being fucked by your family, do the rest of the world a big favor and go fuck yourself. 1 •Reply•Share › Avatar Ocr Ocr Swej kcuf • 18 days ago Not so easy as may seem 1 •Reply•Share › Avatar Swej kcuf Ocr Ocr • 17 days ago Are you speaking for experience or you still waiting for approval of the house and land of your choice !!! •Reply•Share › Avatar Chadwick Cheesewright Swej kcuf • 10 days ago ► I heard settlement housing is about half is the cost of homes in pre-67 areas. There are cases of individual Israelis taking over Palestinian homes and moving right in like they owned the place, and they get IDF protection for the heist. Hebron began this way, when a few rabbis locked themselves in a hotel room, refused to leave and called their govt for protection I don't know if it's free or they have to pay anything, but at any rate it´s all heavily subsidized in occupied territory 1 •Reply•Share › Avatar Swej kcuf Chadwick Cheesewright • 10 days ago True. Now if you get into a house already built and own it with a few hundred shekels .. wouldn't you that be a "steal" ... even robbers must pay for car renting, gas and time invested in a criminal act but that qualifies the act as "free" not the simple shekels paid to reach the goal ... •Reply•Share › Avatar Gerhard Swej kcuf • 24 days ago Anyone, who belongs to the Chosen People qualifies for free housing. Jarwe cares for his People and supports them day by day 1 •Reply•Share › Avatar Pamela Friedland Gerhard • 11 days ago real rubbish 1 •Reply•Share › Avatar J Hirayama Pamela Friedland • 5 days ago Not only rubbish but full of crap •Reply•Share › Avatar Swej kcuf Gerhard • 12 days ago Supporting thievery is the norm under Judaism sick laws. Why do you think jews got kicked out of 109 countries !! 1 •Reply•Share › Avatar Chadwick Cheesewright Swej kcuf • 10 days ago ► What are Judaism sick laws? •Reply•Share › Avatar Swej kcuf Chadwick Cheesewright • 10 days ago Good question. Let me just highlight the fact that the following is from the so called holist book in Judaism. Yes more holy than Torah and ALL chief rabbis MUST be scholars in the Talmudic manual of Judaism hate. Insults Against The Blessed Virgin Mary: Sanhedrin 106a. Says Jesus' mother was a whore: "She who was the descendant of princes and governors played the harlot with carpenters." Also in footnote #2 to Shabbath 104b it is stated that in the "uncensored" text of the Talmud it is written that Jesus mother, "Miriam the hairdresser," had sex with many men. Says Jesus was a Sorcerer: Sanhedrin 43a. Says Jesus ("Yeshu" and in footnote #6, Yeshu "the Nazarene") was executed because he practiced sorcery. Horrible Blasphemy of Jesus Christ: Gittin 57a. Says Jesus ( see footnote #4) is being boiled in "hot excrement." Sanhedrin 43a. Jesus deserved execution: "On the eve of the Passover, Yeshu was hanged...Do you suppose that he was one for whom a defense could be made? Was he not a Mesith (enticer)?" The aforementioned are SOME of Judaism teaching and any jew who tells you otherwise remember that "Never trust a jew" is a truse statement since haShem's desert lost years. Here is a website for you to check... christusrex(dot) org (/) www3(/) talmud-exposed/talmud.htm Happy reading see more •Reply•Share › Avatar Eugene Shapovalove Swej kcuf • 9 days ago I wonder how crazy one has to be to combine sarcasm. anti-semitism and belief in "blessed virgin" •Reply•Share › Avatar Swej kcuf Eugene Shapovalove • 9 days ago How sane one got to be to follow the sick teaching of a navigationally challenged haShem the beast or the Talmudic porn manual of sick Judaism yeshiva teaching !!! Got a clue ? •Reply•Share › Avatar DominiqueandEli Arbel Gerhard • 11 days ago No. •Reply•Share › Avatar This comment is awaiting moderation. Show comment. Avatar Swej kcuf titok • 12 days ago Show you references about the 20 - 50 thousands Israelis who settle down in Hungary please. I doubt your story because if true, that means more jews per year leave than those who makes Aliyah. I will respond after you confirm with a credible reference •Reply•Share › Avatar james barklow • a month ago We built a million dollar house in the Philippines for less than $25,000. Plus I don't have to be around Americans. Greatness 8 •Reply•Share › Avatar This comment is awaiting moderation. Show comment. Avatar Blair Betts Carol Dijkhuyzen • a month ago Of course you are, judging from your last name you're probably in Nederland, maybe Belgie? Life there is so much better than here in the U.S. You're very lucky! Nice home! 4 •Reply•Share › − Avatar This comment is awaiting moderation. Show comment. − Load more comments

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